YouTube Discussion With Tudor Alexander With The Dance of Life Podcast

I published a video called Historicism Has Been Hijacked that primarily points to the false explanations of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which serve to hijack the historicist narrative.

Here’s a link to a Seventh Day Adventist False Prophecy Fulfillment Teachings study that provides more information about their false explanations.

I also mentioned Tudor Alexander With The Dance of Life Podcast, as his prophecy fulfillment teachings are similar to the SDA Church.

Tudor replied, making seven points, to which I responded with explanations. Tudor’s text is in black, mine is in red, to help delineate the discussion.

Dear David,

I hope this comment finds you and I also hope that it may create positive discussion in your community about these important matters. Someone brought your video to my attention and I felt the need to address some of these points because I believe you are mischaracterizing me, and I also believe some things you are saying are not accurate. I will let the reader decide, but my goal isn’t to create drama or discord with this.

At the same time I believe a defense is in order, especially considering your title implies that those who you’re commenting on (i.e. myself included) have “hijacked” historicism. This is an accusation, and ultimately it is a false accusation for anyone who is honest with the evidence of history and also honest with my material.

So let us test the claims you make and respond to them one by one. I will be posting this in two comments – one here and then a reply to my comment for people to read.

Indeed, let’s test the claims that you and I have made. I’ll provide responses to your key points in this discussion, but the Olivet Discourse Decoded and Revelation Timeline Decoded videos give the detailed explanation.

POINT 1. At 4:06 you claim that the Earth beast in Revelation 13 is the Superior General of the Jesuits, and that it came out of the “land” of the Vatican. I hope you are using the word “Vatican” here colloquially, because the Vatican wasn’t created until 1929. The problem with that is your view holds the Jesuit General is the false prophet, but the first Jesuit General was in the 16th century so it is erroneous to say the second Beast came out of the Vatican. All that existed before the Vatican was Rome, and Rome is the center of the Western world. In Revelation 17:15, the angel identifies Rome as sitting on 7 hills and many waters, which represent multitudes of people.

This is a theme in other prophecies too. You now have a problem, because your hermeneutic is inconsistent and it leads you to contradict yourself. You state the Beast comes out of the land of the Vatican, yet the Jesuits actually came from Rome, which the Bible identifies as the city of the harlot which is very populated and important socio-economically, hence the sea. Therefore the second Beast coming out of the earth is the opposite sense, a place that has little to no significance socio-politically. Otherwise you aren’t using a consistent hermeneutic, which unfortunately seems to be the case throughout your presentation.

POINT 1: In pointing to the false prophet Jesuit Superior General rising to power out of the Vatican, I’m simply pointing to him taking control of the Roman beast kingdom, which is centered in Rome.

Indeed, the city-state corporation of Vatican City was created in 1929 at the Lateran Treaty, but the Vatican existed long before that. I’m saying that the black pope rose to power out of the land that the white pope controlled, the Vatican in Rome.

Yes, the Jesuit Superior Generals existed since the 16th century, but the earth beast narrative in Revelation 13 is pointing to the black pope taking control of the Roman beast kingdom. It’s pointing to the transition of power after the 1260-year civil reign of the white pope.

Revelation 13:11 points to these two false priests who proclaim to lead Messiah’s church (like a Lamb) but really serve Satan (the dragon) to make war with Messiah and His saints.

During the last century, the false prophet black pope has used his army of priests to cause the RCC to explode in numbers, so that many more people revere and obey the antichrist beast pope, fulfilling Revelation 13:12

During the last few centuries, the false prophet black pope has aggressively pushed futurism and preterism, to hide the historicist explanations which point to the false priest beast popes in Rome.

My explanation provides a consistent hermeneutic, as I show how the leaders of the Roman beast kingdom is fulfilled by the pagan Emperors in Revelation 12 > and the antichrist beast popes and the false prophet Jesuit Superior Generals in Revelation 13. I cover that on this study: Prophecy Points To The Leader Of The Roman Beast Study

Just as the sea beast narrative in Revelation 13 points to the antichrist beast popes controlling the Roman beast kingdom for 1260-years, the earth beast narrative points to the false prophet black pope controlling the Roman beast kingdom in the end times.

He controls the world behind the scenes via three city-state corporations and many front organizations, to hide his power.

POINT 2. A further problem you face with your interpretation is that Beasts always signify kingdoms and political powers. As a historicist you surely understand that Revelation cannot be read apart from Daniel, yet Daniel reveals that your interpretation is wrong. Daniel paints consistent pictures of the same sequence of empires from the statue in Daniel 2 to the Beasts later. These beasts are kingdoms, which the scripture tells you expclitly, and the little horn rules for 1260 years which means it cannot be a single man, though it has a personal quality to it.

When we take into account the book of Revelation, it is clear that John is continuing these prophecies. The first Beast from the sea is a conglomerate of all the Beasts of Daniel 7, which is by design, and which means that the first Beast is not a singular person but an institution, a power that is a combination of all these pagan mystery religions. This is consistent with historicist interpretation. Yet you diverge from this hermeneutic and say that the second Beast is a person, rather than a power or kingdom. The only evidence we have of a personal quality of anything in these prophecies is the little horn in Daniel and the man of lawlessness in Paul.

We know from Daniel that it cannot be a singular person, and Paul reinforces the idea that this power, which will receive worship as per Revelation 13, is an institution of men. Just like the “man of God” to Timothy is not a singular man, so too is the man of lawlessness an institution of men. But outside of these things there is nothing prophesying a second institution of men, which is what your view would be at best. At worst it is actually more aligned with dispensational thought, because dispensationalism inverts these powers into individuals.

POINT 2 – Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 point to the Roman beast kingdom being the last one until Messiah returns. John picks up that narrative in Revelation 12-13 in describing the leaders.

Revelation 12 points to the pagan Roman Emperors who persecuted Messiah’s saints during ten persecution periods, making the birth of Messiah’s Church very painful.

The Revelation 13 sea beast points to the 1260-year civil reign of the antichrist beast white popes.

The Revelation 13 earth beast points to the false prophet black popes controlling the Roman beast kingdom in the end times. That’s a consistent narrative, as it’s all about the Roman beast kingdom.

The popes of Rome fulfill prophecy as the little horn of Daniel 7 and ‘the beast’ of Revelation; so though those prophecies are pointing to the Roman beast kingdom, they are specifically pointing to the office of the papacy. The same is true of the false prophet who is in control of the end-times phase of the Roman beast kingdom.

But there’s more to the story and it proves that a beast in the Bible does not always point to a kingdom.

In Titus 1:7-16, we see Paul contrasting blameless bishops with unruly vain-talking, deceiving, evil BEASTS.

In 2 Peter 2, we see Peter talking about false prophets, saying that they are evil speaking brute BEASTS.

Jude 1 also points to ungodly men, brute BEASTS, creeping into the church.

Paul, Peter, Jude and John all point to false prophets, corrupt bishops in the church, who speak evil things, blaspheme and pervert the Gospel; who are called BEASTS.

Now apply that to the leaders of the Roman beast kingdom in Revelation 13. Is the white pope not a false bishop who proclaims to lead Messiah’s church, but is anti-Christ? Yes, so he is the leader of the sea beast phase of the Roman beast kingdom, as he rose to power out of a sea of people. His office still exists, but he doesn’t control the kingdom anymore.

Is the black pope not a false bishop in the RCC who exercises the authority that the white pope had? Yes, as he had the white pope removed from civil power in 1798 AD, ending his 1260 reign.

The black pope is the leader of the end-times ‘earth beast’ phase of the Roman beast kingdom, as he rose to power out of the earth of the previous beast pope, out of the Vatican in Rome.

I show that evidence in The Antichrist And False Prophet Beasts Of Revelation 13 video:

It is those two horns, the two leaders, the white pope and the black pope which lead the Roman beast kingdom in Revelation 13:11 who are captured by Messiah in Revelation 19. So there is evidence for two offices (institutions) of leaders in Revelation 13, the white pope and the black pope.

Saying that the USA is the earth beast follows an inconsistent hermeneutic, as the fourth beast of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 is the Roman beast kingdom.

The USA is in prophecy, as we see in the seventh vial that the great city, the Roman beast kingdom, is split into three parts, the three city-state corporation control system of Vatican City, the City of London and Washington D.C. which the black pope controls.

POINT 3. At 7:25 you state that the first 5 vial (bowl) judgments have already happened, and that teaching these are future “hides where we’re at” in the timeline. This is a gross generalization and simply not supported biblically or historically. For clarity, the reader should understand that I have plenty of material on the fulfillment of the Trumpets and Seals as historically fulfilled events.

I have created a visual timeline of all the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, so that those who embark on these studies can understand we are indeed in the 11th hour, because the 6th Trumpet and Seal have passed and we are waiting on the 7th. However the vials (or bowls) are not yet, because they are reserved for the final moments of Earth’s history. The first bowl drops on those who took the mark (Revelation 16:2), yet the mark has not happened yet. We will discuss this in a later point.

Further evidence is that these plagues are not designed for repentance, as people curse God. We can safely assume that these plagues are then on those who took the mark who are reprobate, and a very reasonable explanation I have provided is that once the first bowl drops there are no more elect to seal and it is go time. Because these judgments mirror the plagues in Egypt, which themselves only lasted about 40 days, they are designed to go quickly. There are no historical periods mentioned in these plagues, as there are in the Trumpets or Seals. Therefore relegating these bowls to history is not consistent nor supported by scripture.

POINT 3 – I provide proof of the fulfillment of the first five vials, so it’s not a ‘gross generalization.’

I have a Revelation Fulfillment Timeline which shows the four chronological layers of Revelation. It shows how the black pope took power over the Roman beast kingdom in 1798 AD, when judgment came upon the ‘seat of the antichrist beast’ white pope during the fifth vial, as he was removed from civil power.

It is the General who was used to carry out the first four vial judgments against countries that revered and obeyed the antichrist beast white pope’s commands to kill the saints, as we see during events like St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre.

The General did it out of vengeance against countries that had kicked the Jesuits out, but it served to fulfill prophecy against those who revered and obeyed the antichrist beast white popes’ orders to kill Messiah’s saints.

The first vial was poured out when the Jesuits caused the foul and loathsome sore of atheism to spread across France. The French Protestants had been killed, so the Catholic religion was all that was left. Elohim allowed the abomination of atheism to turn the French people away from the Papal Church.

The second vial was poured out as the Jesuits incited the French people to revolt against the Catholic Church leaders and France’s leaders, and their heads rolled. During the French Revolution 250,000 were killed in the very places that the French Protestants had been killed. Water symbolically represents people. In this case, it represents the French people in the large cities being killed.

The third vial was poured out as the bloody French Revolution spread out from the major cities (seas) to the more rural areas (rivers and springs, smaller groups of people) where they had shed the blood of saints and prophets, and now it was time for them to drink the same fate.

The fourth vial was poured out as the Jesuits caused the bloody Napoleonic wars with countries that had previously banned them, so they were getting their revenge. The ‘sun’ represents the mighty military leader Napoleon, who within the space of eight years, scorched every kingdom in Europe, from Naples to Berlin, and from Lisbon to Moscow. Elohim used it to exact revenge against the countries that had shed the blood of His followers. But the leaders of the countries did not repent, they blasphemed Elohim for His punishment.

The fifth vial was poured out on the ‘seat of the beast,’ as the office of the Papacy lost their power in 1798 AD. Shortly after the French Revolution, the Papal States were invaded by French forces, and they removed Pope Pius VI, who died in exile in Valence (France) in 1799. Their 1,260-year reign was ended by the hand of Elohim, but they repented not. They blasphemed Elohim because of the pains and sores of losing their authority, but they did not repent.

There is plenty of evidence in my videos and book to show the fulfillment of the first five vial judgments and to see that we’re in the sixth vial; which invalidates your premise that they haven’t been fulfilled yet.

POINT 4. At 7:48 you discuss the “Synagogue of Satan” as the Khazars, yet according to Paul’s words what it means to be a Jew as of the New Testament is to be circumcised by the heart. Not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel. The New Testament is loaded with parables and warnings of false converts, as that is the central issue of the Church Age. Not the Jews. The Jews were nobody until the Jesuits propped the Rothschilds up and created their false futuristic inversion which necessitated the Jews.

So there are several problems with your misinterpretation, and I would confidently argue that it is you who are misdirecting people here because you are focusing on low hanging fruit. The Jews are puppets of their papal masters. Theodor Herzl promised a mass conversion of Jews if they got their own state, and the Jews will convert within this generation and come to honor the Beast because that’s where this is headed.

Nevertheless, if you have a historicist hermeneutic, then the “synagogue of Satan” occurs in the 1st and 6th churches. The 1st church cannot be Khazarian Jews because Khazars weren’t converted until the 8th century. Therefore the interpretation falls apart. Yet if we are consistent with the rest of the NT and say these are false converts, that requires no justification historically as these existed throughout the church age.

POINT 4 – In Revelation 3:9, Messiah is pointing to people who proclaim to be ethnic Jews, but are not. I provide proof in the sixth vial study that Jewish DNA researchers validate these truths.

The Khazar Jews claim the right to the land of Palestine because of their supposed heritage, but since they are not descendants of Abraham, they have no right to the land.

Indeed, the Jesuits propped up the Rothschilds and the Zionist state of Israel.

My explanation is anything but ‘low-hanging fruit,’ as I show how the Khazar Jews in Zionist Israel are the ‘kings of the east’ in the sixth vial who came from Eastern Europe, whose ‘way was paved’ when the Ottoman Empire (which is symbolized by the Euphrates River as we see in the sixth trumpet) was ‘dried up’ when they lost control of a vast territory including Palestine and were only left with the country of Turkey, which is the source of the Euphrates River.

The Israeli Prime Ministers came from either Russia or Poland, which is where the Khazars fled after being pushed out of Khazaria. And they changed their last names to sound more Jewish.

An example is Benjamin Netanyahu whose father was born with the last name Mileikowsky. His father was born in Warsaw, Poland. A full list is on this study, which provides the detailed explanation: Revelation 16 – 6th Bowl Judgment

The Khazar Jews took control of the land during the sixth church age of Philadelphia, as the Zionist leaders were moving Jews into Palestine long before it became a state, so Revelation 3:9 aligns with that on the timeline.

POINT 5. At 8:33 you say that the teaching of the mark of the beast being a Sunday law deceives people from believing the “real” mark is revering the pope. I will have to say that out of everything in this presentation this is your flimsiest argument, especially for someone who seems to understand quite a bit of history. If the first Beast is the papal institution, and that institution has not only bragged about its power to change the Sabbath to Sunday – but also persecuted people throughout history for not obeying, and is actively shaping the world to come into a single mentality around this pagan sacred day – what more evidence do you need?

In my Sabbath series I cover 2,000 years of history of Sunday persecutions, and in my news updates I cover everything I can since then into current times. To deny that Sunday laws will be implemented is to be grossly ignorant of history and of current events. You say that Sunday law watching hides the truth that people will obey the pope – yet you provide no material definition for how they will actually obey him other than a vague acceptance of some financial system. This is weak argumentation and I think you can do much better, even though I disagree with you. The way people will obey the pope, who is Satan’s presence on Earth, will exactly be by resting on a counterfeit Sabbath.

The original Hebrew for the word “Sabbath” meant “to enter the mark” – in other words, God’s mark. It is what identifies God as the Creator, the Redeemer and the Provider. Satan at the end will be allowed to counterfeit that by creating a false world system that you can acknowledge him as the creator, provider and redeemer of. How will you do so? By obeying the culture and resting on Sunday, and when you do not comply you will be propagandized against and eventually eliminated. After they come for the liberals and six pointed star club and Muslims, nobody will be left but the small handful of people who have been crying since Constantine that Sunday sacredness is an abomination.

POINT 5 – My explanation of the mark of the beast is robust when you listen to the full explanation, as it’s not pointing to one event, but rather to an ongoing disposition.

Billions of Catholics have had the mark of the beast on them as they revere (mark on forehead, thoughts) and obey (mark on right hand, actions) the antichrist beast pope.

Revelation 14 is pointing to Catholics in France, Spain and other countries, who revered and obeyed the antichrist beast pope’s command to kill Messiah’s saints.

Revelation 14 points to their judgment which came during the first four vial judgments during the bloody French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

Here’s the mark of the beast video:

The pope’s persecuted people who didn’t bow to their authority, who possessed the Scriptures and who protested against the pope and their harlot church. They weren’t opposing the Sabbath as you proclaim.

In my The Scriptural Calendar studies, I show that Saturday (nor any day on the pagan Roman calendar) cannot be the Scriptural Sabbath, so that nullifies the whole Saturday vs. Sunday debate, and the premise that a Sunday law is the mark of the beast. Read The Scriptural Calendar

The enemy has misled people with a false dichotomy of Saturday vs. Sunday, but neither is the Scriptural Sabbath. That was hidden by Constantine and the Roman bishops in the fourth century as they pushed aside the Scriptural Holy Feast Days and calendar, to promote manmade holidays, a pagan calendar and a false Sabbath narrative.

Jewish rabbi Hillel II compromised with Constantine to agree to observe Saturday as the Sabbath, lest the Jews face more persecution from Rome.

POINT 6. At 9:30 you state that I “mislead people about historicism” and “deflect blame” from the Jesuit general. People point out many things, but if they bothered to do their research they would actually learn something. I wear a ring from a Jesuit high school because my dying grandmother of lung cancer got me that ring as a graduation present, and it has the words “Follow Me” on it.

You or anyone can read my testimony on my website as these things are freely and clearly documented. Whether you choose to believe me is your own prerogative. I see God’s hand in my life and in many ways He has a sense of humor and irony, using the foolish things to shame the wise. I have countless people who have thanked me for the work I’ve done in my videos on the end times, Christian nationalism and news updates. Many have come out of futurism.

To say I am misleading people when you have zero clue of who I am or probably have watched a fraction of a fraction of a percent of my content shows you are quick to create conflict where there shouldn’t be any, like with the title of this video, and that isn’t a very mature way to carry yourself as someone seeking to inform people of the truth. the Bible says in Revelation 13:2 that Satan gave his power, throne and great authority to the First Beast, which is the papal institution. It doesn’t say anything about a second, shadow institution.

It doesn’t say anything about the Jesuits even. Why this matters is you can get lost in endless rabbit holes of who controls who in Satan’s world, but the Bible already tells you who to watch: the pope. The pope will be marveled after and the world is headed toward a federation of nationalist states that will pledge their allegiance to him. That is what matters. Squabbling with others and making false accusations and conspiracy theories your foundation shows who in fact is doing any misleading in this situation.

POINT 6 – I didn’t say anything about the ring you wear, but given the evil nature of the Jesuits, I wouldn’t wear anything that has a reference to them.

You teach a lot of truth and I’m sure that people are grateful for your work. I really appreciate your video on Christian Nationalism, as I watch so many people being misled about the Trump and Q narrative. They are exposing the dark works of the evil ones in order to usher in a false light solution.

I did not misrepresent what you teach, as you say that the earth beast is the USA, that the Olivet Discourse has an end times fulfillment, that the vial judgments have not been fulfilled yet and that a Sunday law is related to the mark of the beast.

I provide proof of my prophecy fulfillment explanations in the video series and books that prove my statement about the historicist narrative being hijacked, so it’s not immature to point these things out.

Regarding the Bible not saying anything about a second, shadow institution, here’s what historicists have proclaimed about the earth beast of Revelation 13.

In 185 AD, Irenaeus held that this lamb-like leader would be ‘a false prophet.’ In 380 AD, Tichonius said that the leader of the earth beast would be a ‘false priest.’

In 1259 AD, Ubertino of Casale, an Italian Francisca, even equated it with the ‘Romanist clergy.’ (John’s Revelation Unveiled, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, p.164)

Andreas, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and expositor in the Greek Church during the latter of the fifth century, points to the false prophet Jesuit Superior General: “Exhibiting a show of piety, and with pretense of being a lamb when in fact a wolf.” (History Unveiling Prophecy, Henry G. Guinness)

Primasius, Bishop of the Carthaginian province, in his sixth century Commentary on the Apocalypse, views the second beast of Revelation 13, the two-horned beast, as ecclesiastical rulers, “Hypocritically feigning likeness to the Lamb, in order the better to war against him: and by the mask of a Christian profession, under which mask the devil puts himself before men, acting out the Mediator.” (Elliot, Horae, IV, p. 342)

Does that not describe the black pope?

Here’s what some esteemed theologians who gave wrote Bible commentaries during the 17th-19th centuries declared about the earth beast:

Coke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible says “For the false prophet no more than the beast is a single man, but a body or succession of men, propagating false doctrines, and teaching lies for sacred truths.

Another beast, or the same power under another form, appears, like a lamb with two horns, the symbol of his dominion temporal and spiritual, who, with all pretended meekness and humility, has all the pride and rage of the old dragon, exercising all the power of the first beast, and causing all the earth to worship him, and own his universal, temporal as well as spiritual, jurisdiction, with lying miracles supporting his idolatrous worship, deceiving the inhabitants of the earth, and leading them to erect the image of the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed, and pay their adoration to the idol, blindly and implicitly submitting to the authority of the Pope, and the constitutions of Paganism revived in the church of Rome; giving life to the image of the beast, enforcing all the canons and laws of his idolatrous worship, by excommunications, fire, and sword; making it death to refuse obedience to the Papal power; setting a mark upon all the votaries of the beast, and excluding those who would not submit to make profession of this system of error and blasphemy, from all intercourse with the worshipers of the beast, as unworthy of every blessing of society.”

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says “And I beheld another beast, The same with the first, only in another form; the same for being and person, but under a different consideration; the same antichrist, but appearing in another light and view: the first beast is the pope of Rome.”

Theologian and Preacher John Wesley wrote “The false prophet – So is the second beast frequently named, after the kingdom of the first (the Popes) is darkened; for he can then no longer prevail by main strength, and so works by lies and deceit.”

So we see that they taught that the leader of the Roman beast kingdom in the end times is another false priest, who is called the false prophet in Revelation; and we see it fulfilled in the black pope who causes his priests to proclaim the false religion of Romanism and deceived people with the false prophecy fulfillment explanations of preterist and futurism.


POINT 7. At 10:06 you say that I have a “futurist position” on Matthew 24, and that these events are all fulfilled in the past and dealing with Jesus’ generation. If you would bother to watch my content you would know that I do not hold to a futurist position, but a double fulfillment position. If you claim to be a historicist, surely you understand that prophecy has double and even multiple fulfillments. Nevertheless, I’ve said many times that Matthew 24 has both present reality and future reality fulfillments, just like Luke 21. They are practically identical with slight variations. Yet you claim that Matthew 24 is all in the past, but this again can be disproven easily.

From verse 3 to 14 the text speaks of the church age, simply because it is impossible to find historical fulfillment of these things in the 40 years between Jesus and the destruction of the temple. Nations rising against nations, famines, earthquakes, false Christs, false prophets and the gospel being proclaimed to the “whole world” are not dealing with present realities. There have been more false Christs and prophets in the last 150 years than in the last 2,000 put together, let alone the other things mentioned. Then in verse 15 to 20 He discusses the present reality again, and yet again from 21 to 28 we see a zoom out back to the day of judgment.

Then verses 29 to 31 are clearly describing the return of Christ, since the angels are the ones gathering the people into the air when Jesus returns (not a rapture but a supernatural event). The chapter ends with discussing “the day or hour” of what? “That Day.” The day of judgment. As evidence we see a parallel of Noah, yet you are trying to take all of these things and force them into a preterist understanding which has no consistent hermeneutic whatsoever. As you accuse me of being a futurist, it is actually more accurate to describe you as a preterit by your same method of judgment. I don’t think you are, but this is the problem with how you are judging this situation and also my position.

In conclusion I hope that anyone who has bothered to read all these things has come out more edified. While it is important to know our history and know who the real power is in the world (The Papacy), as well as the direction of history (false light Catholic NWO) – I caution all to not get lost in conspiracy theories and intrigues, but rather to use sound judgment. I also caution you to not easily let people accuse others who are working honestly for the good of the faithful with such provocative instigations and poorly supported argumentation. Think for yourself and evaluate the evidence. Those with eyes to see will see and God will bring all to Him whom He has called so in the end there is nothing to worry about.

POINT 7 – The prophecies in the Olivet Discourse and Revelation use similar language to symbolize events, but that doesn’t mean that what Messiah described in the Olivet Discourse is fulfilled twice.

We see that in the seal judgments which use the same language as the Olivet Discourse, but were about the decline of the pagan Roman Empire; not about the events in Judea in the first century. That’s not a dual fulfillment, that’s just two prophecies which use similar language to point to the fall of leadership systems.

I prove out the fulfillment of Matthew 23:34 – 24:35, verse by verse in The Olivet Discourse Decoded video series. Verse 29 points to the desolation of the Jewish leadership system, the high priest (sun), Sanhedrin (moon) and priests (stars) who were either killed or taken captive and soled as slaves.

Verse 30 points to Messiah causing the judgment of the unbelieving Jewish nation which rejected Him and delivered Him up to be killed, when He used the mighty Roman army to desolate Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation. Coming on the clouds is an OT term for judgment.

Verse 31 points to the leaders (aggelos) of Messiah’s Church who had escaped Jerusalem to the mountains of Pella in the Decapolis region, after they saw the abomination of desolation, Cestius and his army surround Jerusalem in November 66 AD to take it captive, which fulfilled Luke 21:20-21.

After the Jewish-Roman War was over, the leaders sounded the trumpet to call an assembly to gather the Jews who lived in the mountains during the 3 ½ years of the war. Some returned to Jerusalem to ministry to people there. Some stayed in Pella to continue that ministry. And the rest spread out into the Roman Empire to proclaim the Gospel. It has nothing to do with the end times or Messiah’s return.

As for Matthew 24:36-51 and Matthew 25, that’s about Messiah’s return. Note that Luke assigned that discourse to when Messiah was answering the questions of the Jewish leaders in Luke 17, not in Luke 21 which is the Olivet Discourse. Matthew appears to have combined the two narratives.

I prove out my explanations in detail in the video series and books, so to say that my argument is ‘poorly supported’ is lame; as is the use of the words ‘conspiracy theories and intrigues’ in regard to my explanations.

Just like you, I teach what I believe to be true. Everyone can watch the video and read the discussion to discern truth. And I pray that they and you will watch all of my videos to get the full explanation, to see why I declared what I did in this video.

Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

It will be interesting to see how Tudor Alexander responds, if at all. I pray that he is able to see the truth in the explanations that I provided, so that he can use his platform to proclaim them, for the glory of our King!