Is The 04/08/24 Eclipse In Bible Prophecy?

On this Bible Prophecy Decoded post I talk about the upcoming 04/08/24 eclipse.

The April 08, 2024 Great American eclipse has many connections to the Bible. It involves the narrative of Jonah and Nineveh, which had a message of repentance. Is the Heavenly Father giving the USA a warning to repent or face judgment?

Some people are saying that it fulfills Bible prophecy and may point to the rapture.

Here’s a link to The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded video series:

Here’s a link to The Olivet Discourse Decoded video series:

Here’s a link to the Revelation Timeline Decoded video series:

Here’s a link to the ‘Does The Revelation 12 September 23, 2017 Sign In The Heavens Point To A Pre-Tribulation Rapture?’ study.